Page 132 - Contrast2012
P. 132

On Wednesday I slept in and went to the call center two hours
  late. Ispent the majority of the day putting calls on hold and staring up
  at the ceiling. For half an hour or more Itried tracing the outlines of the
 woman's face in my mind-for an hour or more thereafter, Itraced her
  body and imagined it in numerous positions. The Torah stayed tucked
  away at the bottom of my knapsack, unread and neglected. Iwondered
 how God must feel, looking down on me while Ifantasized about one
 of his chosen people, his book completely forgotten about in the heat
 of misguided animal lust. IbrieRy contemplated leafing through some
 of the pamphlets, but instead Ifound myself reading through the letters
 to the editor in Popular Mechanics. One of them was from T. Boone
 Pickens-or a representative of his- who responded to a story about so-
 lar power, using it as a springboard for covertly promoting his windmill
 agenda. At least he's persistent, Ithought.

             After work Iwent to the local "dent-and-bent" store and
 picked up a few boxes of pasta, and one of those tremendous cans of
 sauce. On the way home Ismoked three cigarettes and hummed some
 pop song Iheard on the radio, then, once Iwas home, Imade pasta and
 finished my pack of cigarettes. Looking in my carton, Ifound that there
 were only two more, so ifIwere to quit at that moment, Iwouldn't be
 losing an exorbitant amount of money. Still, Ifound myself breaking
 open the second to last pack. There was nothing that interested me in
 the New York Times, and nothing that interested me on the television
 news. Ipulled the Torah out of my knapsack with the intention of read-
ing it, but it was far too daunting after Igot home from work. Ifinished
half a pack of cigarettes and listened to the radiator until midnight,
then fell into an uneasy sleep. Ihad a dream about the woman from the

             Idon't want to talk about it.


             Iwoke up on Thursday feeling like killing myself, so instead
Iwent to Central Park and fell asleep on the Sheep Meadow. Iwoke
up four hours later, unconcerned with having missed work, and really
only caring about my neck being stiff from sleeping in a bad position. I
finished off the pack of cigarettes in my pocket and stared up at the sky,
which was overcast. Finally it began to rain and so Igot up and took the
subway home. Isat in bed and attempted to pleasure myself, unenthusi-

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