Page 111 - Contrast2012
P. 111

figured out.

            A large tree frames the left of the building, a small parking lot
to the right. It looks far more professional and much less small-town
than I was expecting. But I wasn't expecting much.

            They picked it because it was down the street from Orange
Baptist Church. I guess they're Baptist and wanted to go to a sermon
before the service. I don't know who all went beforehand.


I want to say:

            I don't know much about David's life. I know he hated his
middle name because it was a girl's name. I know he started going bald
a lot sooner than he wanted. He wore braces a lot longer than anyone
should have to. Children, or other people's children, loved him and
called him "Pop." He was better at raising other people's children than
me-Diane's children, whose father took care of them-he didn't know
me as well as he knew other people's children. He used to sing "You Are
My Sunshine" to me while playing his acoustic guitar and now that song
makes me cry, even when I don't mean it to.

He liked the Ernest movies, Dune, and professional wrestling.
I don't know how he died.

            All I really managed to squeak out was, "He will be missed:'
but not by me.


            We'll never know what was inside his head. He'll remain
shrouded in mystery and sad remembrances for as long as people are
willing to talk about him. No one will ever completely forget about

              At least until they do.


Pam tells me that some of the family is going back to her house for
supper. She actually went ahead and got a meat platter, even though she
won't touch it. There's room in the house for people to sleep over if they
need to. I tell her I'll just get back on the road for home, that my plants
need watering. I need to see my mom. I have work on Monday.

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