Page 77 - Contrast2009
P. 77
·there js~a',dance that !\
smiles tJehindyollrskin
," ,,cour.tney christ~, logsdon'
There is a dance that'smiles behind' your skin
singing against the arid r-ash of clover ;
April showers, pretending to be replenishing saviors
instead of' t.he'Lr miscreant meddLesorne selves, are spread-
washing .across the lanGscape. Goat and sheep
alike a re drowned in Heaven's thunder. Opaque air-breath
cloaks,that even the angels' gaze cannot pierce, sun-ray
spears ~,
cannot penetrate. are hanging in the close·t '& t
idly with the dead bones-winter twigs run hollow, .i
and the river's gone torpid again leaving us
quenched only in our s~a-dreams depths. Your kisses
come softly, strangely, lightly ,if they even
come at all and your words are a ca r ef uL cover for
your own impending death. It seems there's an
iron cage holding truth away from your ·.tongue and
s6 it babbles n~nsense Never-l~nd ~airytale lip~.
Se duLous' hands have I, t'OI say the leas t, tugging
relentlessly at your melting face--SAY SOMETHINTGRUE.,
Spring has of f'er-ed no respite ,for all her mellifluous'
posturing, posing as amelioration. the gods would envy
yet falling flat on her. face, dragged through the mud "
.and th~ tulips wili'never come clean now, and
the ros~s' have aLl. gone sour Ln the muck jo f faL,e joy.
Hear the voices: "Have you' ever seen such,
sunny daffodils? such dear crocus smiles?" I am Ipst
in i'ris contE)mplati9n(your eyes have gone jet) and
bleeding 'heart drapes (my heart is weighing low, now).
SAYSOMETHINRGEALO. bsequious, I name thee, Sunshine ,-
.blue skies green willow M'ay-time, .ingratiating
.' flash'y grins to cover what is real:. Winter 'grips
, my'heart beyond your.·skill to cure, April-joy, and'
you'll find no appreciation for your prete~se her~.
The· trees 'are 'still dust.ed blank when one your
looks through mY'glasses (which you've not done in .
awhiLe , love) but of ·courseyou've let your. feet
go' verbose 'again so I 'see you only infrequently,
sporadic spots of ' you thrown on my sleeves.
You're a regular runaway prodigal and I, .was
lured in·by your turgid charms--you have always
been a maze, a riddle-puzzle and I thrive on uncovering