Page 32 - Contrast2009
P. 32
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.~rt is nothin,g if not a visual for~ of communication.
Instead ofwQr,ds and letterforms and clever phrases, shape
.and li.,n'ea.nd .composition are called to verbalize ideas.
While mor e difficult for, some to hear, each work speaks a
cLe ar > strong me saqe of the artist. It is my joy to see the
passionate union of literature and art within Contrast,
coupl~dbeautifuliy as it has for years by the magazine.
The design this year is inspired by the beauty of
renewal. Out of a crumpled surface, a s'iCetchedenvironment
-corne s to life, affected only by a rough title font and
typed lettering. It,is our desire at Contrast for readers
to see each work 'birthed from each page, a new idea-a new
hope+ in a 'post=pos tmodern world. Please enj oy the following
15 selected submissions, remembering that with art, whether
liteTary or aesthetic, comes a simple but profound newness.
Emily 'Biondo
Design Director