Page 40 - Contrast2007
P. 40

again soon, Miss Ellingsworth," he whis- said with a smile, "a large home would be

    pered. With a sly smile, he kissed her finger- needed for all the little ones that are soon to

    tips, sending shivers that rocked through her come."

    body. Without another word, he disappeared       The wedding gown was finished and

    into the crowd.                                  hanging in her bedchamber at the Wexford

    Before Adelina could blink her mind Manor. Numerous flower bouquets were

    clear, her betrothed grabbed her arm, nearly lined along the walls of the manor for the

    dragging her out of the ballroom.                celebration, making everyone sneeze. Lord

    "What was that all about?" Brandon Ellingsworth and Wexford hired additional

    asked when they were out of earshot of other servants to aid in the preparations.

    guests. There was something familiar about that  Each night, more and more guests ar-

    man. rived at the Wexford Manor, leading to danc-

    "You seemed preoccupied with Juliet. ing and drinking in the ballroom. Adelina

    Besides, what's wrong with dancing with a patiently danced with the male family mem-

    different partner?" Adelina asked, shocked bers and friends of the Wexford family as she

    that Brandon was so angry with her. I've been met them. By the time she retired at midnight

    dancing with different men                                  each night, Adelina was

    all night. Why does he sud-  She could tell there           sore and exhausted. What
    denly care now? "Don't                                      else is there to do?

    worry, Brandon, I've nev- was more to this feeling          It was finally three

    er seen him before. And I

    doubt I ever will again."    - and she "ranted it.          nights before the wed-

    "Damn it, Adelina, I                                        ding. Adelina, again, de-

    love you," Brandon said. "It hurts to see you scended the stairs to join the excitement in the

    dance with someone else."                        ballroom. She stepped around the drunken

    "And I love you, too. You don't think guests that littered the steps and the hall-

    it hurt me to watch you dance with Juliet?" way. She passed by the dining room, where

    Adelina asked sarcastically. "Let me guess, the guests could help themselves to the large

    you expected me to just sit and watch with a buffet. Forcing herself to smile, Adelin~ f?l-

    pretty little smile on my face, didn't you?" She lowed the music and laughter to the adJOIn-

    could feel the tears approaching and turned ing ballroom.                          .d
                                                     "Sir, milord, please," cried a fnghtene
    to walk away before Brandon could stop her.

    For the rest of the night, Adelina avoided voice. Adelina followed the whimper to the fa~

    Brandon. She had said the words. She had corner. In the shadows, Adelina was shocke

    told him "I love you." Adelina felt dumb- to find a drunken man fondling Mary. .

    founded at her own words. Perhaps I fell in      "You-hiccup-are mine. You see-hIC-

    love after all, she thought. But who was Henry?  cup - I am -" the man never got to introduce
                                                     himself to Mary. Right before he pas:ed

         Arrangements had already been made          out, he caught a glimpse of Adelina holdmg
    for their future. Wexford moved from his
    large mansion to a townhouse in the middle       fa large candlestick. Then he felt the warm
    of London, leaving the estate to his son. For
    the time being, the Ellingsworths were to stay   sticky feeling of blood trail down the back 0

                                                     his neck.                         . hr

                                                     "Mary," Adelina whispered, holdIng e

    at Wexford Manor to help with the move and       maid as she trembled. "Go up to my r?:
    prepare for the wedding. Wexford had told        and lock the door. Stay in my bed to~g
    Brandon that it was time to move to a smaller,   You can use the water warmm. g by.the fIrethtoe
    more convenient home, where he was closer        freshen up. There is water warrrung by
    to the office, anyway. "And besides," he had     fir e."

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