Page 39 - Contrast2007
P. 39

c:::-:: -----Ex-c-er-p-t ~fr~o-m-W--or~th-y-~of~a~P~i~ra~te~'s~L~o~v-e --------

                                          Amanda Brown

                                               writing as
                                         Amanda Broadbeck

     It's much too hot in here, Adelina thought      surprised to find that the man in front of her
as she moved about the room in an attempt            was almost a head and a half taller than she
to. find a cool place to sit and rest. The cool      was. Smiling, she accepted his arm and al-
athir from an open door beckoned her out onto        lowed him to escort her into the ballroom.
b e balcony. Outside, she sat on the wooden          The waltz was just about to begin and Ade-
 ench and began to loosen her slippers. She          lina watched Brandon lead Juliet onto the
pulled the hem of her dress back and lifted          floor, oblivious of her presence. Henry pulled
~er feet into the air, smiling at the relief of be-  Adelina against him, waiting for the music to

Ing able to wiggle her toes.                         start.
"F ~rom behind her came a deep voice.                      Adelina's heart sped up as he slipped

  eeling better? Here, you could use some            his arm around her waist. She took a deep
of t~s more than me," a man said, handing            breath, forcing herself to breath as she placed
                                                     a delicate hand on his muscular shoulder.
Adehna a glass of wine.                              "I've never seen you before, milord."
b Adelina gulped the beverage down and
                                                           "Oh, I've been in London for about a
 lushed as the warmth of the liquid flowed           week or two. And, please, call me Henry,"

through her. "Thank you."                            he directed.
     ':You're welcome," the man laughed.                   As the waltz continued, Adelina felt

Adelma looked up to the man, illuminated by          as though someone was watching her. She
the soft glow from the light in the ballroom.        looked over her shoulder to find a jealous
                                                     sneer radiating from Juliet. Adelina watched
~he ma~ before her was dressed entirely in           Juliet whisper something in Brandon's ear. A
 lack, with the sleeves of his shirt pushed up       few minutes later, his green eyes looked over
to his elbows. The neckline of his shirt was         and glared heavily at Adelina. But before she
open, displaying the hair on his chest. She          could wonder what caused such a look from
could tell in the moonlight that the man had a       her betrothed, the waltz picked up speed.
                                                     Adelina had to quicken her steps and move
tto?ark tan and muscular shoulders. She gazed        closer to Henry to keep up with the dance.
      the handsome face of the man in black.
 nstead of the typical periwig that the others             The faster the music played, the closer she
                                                     found herself to him. In moments, she could
~:ten wore, his hair was pushed back behind          feel his hard muscles working underneath his
                                                     shirt and the heat of his body against her own.
his ears. A lock of hair remained in front of        She could feel her heart beating faster as she
bIS blue eyes, despite his attempt to brush it       moved about the room with Henry holding
Sack. J:Ie had a strong, freshly shaven chin.        her close. She couldn't tell if it was the dance
                                                     steps or Henry that made the blood pump to
  he estImated him to be a few years older           her checks, turning her skin a slight shade of
than herself.
A ".MY name is Adelina. Ellingsworth,"               pink.
1 dehna said, her words coming out with a                  The music stopped abruptly and Henry
 ong pause as though she was unsure of her
                                                     stopped in his place, leaving Adelina to stum-
OWnname.                                             ble into him as she fought to steady herself.
     "You can call me Henry," the strang-
                                                           Henry looked at her with the bluest eyes
er salId with a smile. "If you want to put
                                                     she'd ever seen. "I'm sure we'll be meeting
Ydourslippers back on, I'll invite you in for a

B Adelina smiled. Without a thought of
  randon, she secured her laces and stood up,

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