Page 14 - Contrast2005
P. 14

for mv s/ster.#!#!

  I never thought you would be like those other women;
  Not you, never, never, never,
  Those women who gave their lives away so quickly, so freely
  As if it didn't cost them nothin'
  As if love was sold for free, as if you were reduced price;
  50% off folks, what a bargain!
  I never thought you would be one of those women
  Those women who never leave but always stay,
  even if their face is screaming in black and blue,
  Even when the blood is no longer running through the veins,
  But swimming on the kitchen floor because he had a bad day.
  I never thought you would be like those women,
  Those women who sought out the same fate as their mothers;
  Same path, same violence, same hate.
  The walls no longer tells the secrets of mommy and daddy,
  but turn their ears towards you,
  The tears flowing again for the same reasons, same sadness.
  Where is the spirit of fire in you?

  Where is the wild horse woman who never wanted to be tamed,
  conquered, used, and abused?
  She has been settled down, domesticated,
  The flame burnt out
 The voice silenced
 The spirit trained for submission.
 Where is the girl I used to know, who sang in my dreams?
 Who used to playas if the world didn't matter?
 Who used to dance and scream as if it were her last days?
 Where is that girl?

 -Amelia Alvarado

12 Contrast 2005
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