Page 12 - Contrast2005
P. 12

come, pick me up." He slumped, de-                "OK, we'll try. You mop the floor
 feated by his adventure.                    over there between the booths and the
                                             counter. Pick up the chairs and put them
       "I don't want you to be in trouble.   on the table first."
 Is there something else we can da?"
                                                   "Do I clean the ashtrays first?"
       "N ... no. They'll pick me up. It's         "Well, I'll be. Yes, you do. I forgot
 better for them to do that."                that part. I think you're going to do just
                                             fine. (orne on. I'll introduce you to Beth
       "Do you have the phone number,        and we'll get the mop and bucket."
 on an ID card or something?"                     Beth eyed them suspiciously, but
                                             was all for a little extra help and the
       He looked up again. His open face     possibility of leaving early.
 sadder now, and a little scared. He
 shook his head no.                               Mark did the ashtrays and the
                                             floors like he did everything else: one
       "I can look it up. What's your        movement at a time. But he was careful
 name, so I can tell them you're here?"      and thorough. When the floors were
                                             done, they both went to help Beth in the
      "Just t ... tell them Mark. They'll    kitchen.
                                                  Mark went straight to the dish-
      Mark was still looking out the win-    washing tubs.
 dow when she returned.
                                                 "This is my favorite. c. .. can I do
      "The van is out looking for you
 now. As soon as it gets back, they'll       this?"
 send it over. It might be awhile, will
 you be OK? I have to clean this place            Mary and Beth smiled at each other
 up."                                        and told Mark to go ahead.

      "(leon? I clean. (an I help?"               About twenty minutes later there
      "(an you help? No, you don't have     was a knock on the kitchen door. Mark
 to do that."                               was nearest and, careful not to open the
                                            door to a stranger, called out, "Who's
      "That's my job. They get us jobs in   there?"
the day. I clean, wash dishes, floors. I
do a good job."                                   It was Kevin Billings, Mark's job
                                            coach. Mary opened the door, dreading
      His sudden enthusiasm took her by     some form of bureaucratic nonsense or
surprise.                                   even policemen to come in.

     Keeping him DUSY-where / con                Kevin laughed out loud when he
wotch him is not 0 Dod ideo, she            saw Mark with his sleeves rolled up,
thought. "You know how to be careful,       wearing an apron with a dish in one
to not hurt yourself? You can help, if      hand and a sponge in the other.
you're careful."

     "I've been trained. Kevin told me,
I do a ... good job."

10 Contrast 2005
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