Page 17 - Contrast2004
P. 17

My Factuai (jod

  There are many things that are in this uiorld that many people just can't conceive,
!ilna there are many things that are in this tuorld that people can't see, but stiff belieue:

                    LiR!- rove, you can't touch, can't smell, taste or hear,
           'But you belieue it because you fed it, zohen the one you rove is near,

                   you say air exists, tfiough it's never before your eyes,
         'But you know its there, (cause zohen you breathe, it fi{fs you up inside,

               You)ve never seen the uiind brow, but you say that's rear too,
          You know the wina exists, (cause wlien it brows strong it moves you.

                    you know gravity is rear ana it affects us everyaay,
             you can prove it holds us backJrom just up ana arifting away.
             wd£ what I bdieve isjust the same, but some say not practical.

                 LiR!- rove, air, uiind, ana graVity, my (joa)s quite [actual:
I can't see, touch, smell, taste or hear my (joC£but fiR!-rove, I fed him wlien he's near.

            LiR!- air, liefi{fs me up inside-heals my sorroui ana aries my tears,
          (joa moves me fiR!-a strong gust of uiind ana shouts me his affection,
          LiR!-graVity lie holds me backJrom straying in the wrong direction,

                 LiR!- rove, air, unnd ana graVity, in my (joa I do belieue.
               It's because of what I fed that the Lora (jod I can conceive.
                rr'fioughI cannot see Him, doesn't maR!-Him any less real.

                It's not about what I can see, it's about what I can [eel:

                                      -Lastunon 'Erey

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