Page 15 - Contrast2004
P. 15


                                                       I want to be all you ever need

                                                       everyday. yout" whole life throuqh

                                                       I want to spend fot"evet"

                                                       uncondrttonally loving you

                                                       If you evet" feel any hut"t

                                                       I want to take away all yout" pain

                                                       I want to be yout" sunshine

                                                       that quides you throuqh the rain

                                                       I want to pick you up

                                                       if ever you should fall

Photograph by Anne Waters                              I want to build you up

                                                       if ever u fee 'sma.ll

                                               I want  les

                           I want to

and hold yout" h

I want this love to last

so my qat"ling pwmise me one

                           p-omise me etemity  .

                           anq I'll promise you

                                                       The Awakening 13
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