Page 15 - Contrast1998
P. 15

riot":;krtowing. Reasoning out the factors,        that Wendy can eat.
                                                     Over lunch, decide things. Marry him. Go
tr~v~l fout~.the time of day weather make of
car aleitness of driver sobriety of other driv-    with him to Hyde Park. Teach middle school
ers ... Airbags. Seat belts. Luck, fate, God.      and live in a small, dusty apartment while he
Crying to exhaustion, to' rawness, to useless-     learns to be a chef. Don't look at other men.
ness ...T. hrowing down pill bottles and collaps-  Don't leave him. And don't let him drive too
ing in a space that was never small enough.        much. If the news comes, go crazy like you
                                                   expect to and let them sedate you. When you
  Remember all this, and dry your face with a      come to, put all his belongings in a fireproof,
tissue. Think about Wendy getting flowers          waterproof box. Establish a scholarship fund
and sympathy cards, stupid tokens, stupid          in his name. Cry a lot.
things-that are not her boyfriend, things that
she does not want. You will burn them. And            Go live with your gay friend who 'has an
when they put your boyfriend away in the           apartment in the city. He understands the
casket, you won't let morticians pancake           dreams. Take turns cooking dinner every
makeup on his fair skin and blush his cheeks,      other night. Crawl in bed with him if you get
like they did to your grandfather when you         really scared. On holidays volunteer in soup
were fifteen, as if he were a grotesque stage      kitchens and nursing homes. Wait for things
corpse. Imagine yourself reaching for the boy-     to stop making you cry, like comedians he
friend that could be sleeping, might be sleep-     used to imitate and people on the street that
ing, and try to understand what it means to        look like him. When they don't, find a pain-
                                                   less way to kill yourself and let your friend
be dead.                                           talk you out of it over and over and over again.
   Leave for lunch. Act normal, but do not
                                                   Hold him. Cry.
smile. Hear the strains of trivial conversation-     Finish your sandwich and drink ice water.
-wedding plans, that is good pound cake,
where is the letter opener. Think of a Robert      As the cold seeps down, try to give her boy-
Frost poem; And they, since they were not the      friend a last name. Fit together the pieces--
one dead, turned to their affairs. Try to forget   he, the accident, the relationship. Wendy,
about it. At the cafeteria, order a turkey sand-   whom you do not know. Wonder if she will
wich on wheat and feel sick. Doubt seriously
                                                   grieve in her dreams.

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