Page 28 - Contrast1991Spring
P. 28

Silver Pennies Bookstore

  Rusty,                            The Candy Store
  Musty,                            Crouched in thrice-hand-me-downs,
  Piles of                          three quarters in my pocket,
                                    I gaped into the sunlit case.
  ~,                                A million gilded wrappers glared back.
                                    I smoothed my hair and entered, whispering,
  Hans Brinker,                     "Seventy-five cents worth please."
  King Arthur,                      Kid, this stuff costs eleven bucks a pound-
 A Sword in the Breast              Beat it.
 I toss you a sexy kiss             A pouty pink girl
 Between the stacks                 spilled a sack of gumballs and started bawling.
 Of proud old volumes               I stooped to help.
 Available for a pittance           Get away!
 Or a small fortune                 The sour princess snatched
 Crumbled leather                   the pieces I held toward her and stomped them.
 Grey-blue covers                   A tall man who smelled of rusty chocolate
 Your eyes dance                    peddled me out.
 And lips shush
 The fact that we are               I wanted to cry in Mama's arms
 Aging lovers                       but she was already crying when I burst
 Feebly re-kindling emotion         into the kitchenette.
From a jumbled, war-torn
Marriage amid                                                         -Christine Keiner
These disorganized treasures
As we stumble onto gems
While searching for that
One impossible ftnd-
A book that re-wakes childhood,
An intimacy that rocks with safety

                          -Susan Tegler

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