Page 26 - Contrast1991FallCarpeDiem
P. 26

Whirling on the Wheel                okay .
                                       you can contort
  pull                                 change me as you will
            tear                           who, what, how
  me out of the cool damp
  earth, where memories                   Ibe? .
  never were, into dawn's
  caressing light.                     your hands - so gentle -
                                       barely touch yet lift me
  I nestle into the palm of            let me shape myself
  your hand-taste each curve
  wrinkle, finger - NO                 our molecules intertwine
                                       you will scrub
  don't shove my new contours          your hands clean but your
  into this box encrusted              touch will abide in me always
  With the blood of my
  sisters.                             cook in the furnace
                                      hazy hot heat blasts
  It's lonely dark in here            bams bombs beats
  and I'm scared-locked in            my fluid
                                      form into solid rock
 edges + planes - curves =
                                      place on a shelf,
 a cube and I'm the structure         still for a thousand
                                      years - will I
 My boundaries define me              just be - be-
 make me who I am-release
 me, hold me, lift me                         forever
 towards the noonday sun
                                     I am realizing my
 throw thrust me onto the table       form - finally - I
 wedge to weld my wild molecules      know who Iam -
 mold my murky madness                I think

 carry me to the wheel               so when - if - you
 spin me slowly than faster          gaze at me in
                                     dusk's light -
faster ahhhhhhhhh SPEEE
                                     please do not
EEEEEEEEEEEEEED no-                  shatter me into a
                                     million identities
don't                                to start again - where?
touch me- I've found                 please! don't let me slip
my own moves now- see                just hold me -
me dance twirl spin flow             hold me
outward stretching my limits
boundaries farther faartheerr                                      Kristine Holland
faartheeeerrrr -                  26

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