Page 19 - Contrast1991Fall
P. 19


    Alsoamong the Canterbury cohorts
    Was a noble terrorist of sorts.
    He was a hateful, belligerent man,
    An unfitting addition to the clan.
    His face was dark, with a protruding nose.
    This man was Iraqi I suppose.
    He had a grizzled beard and black moustache
'\ Which was partially concealed by a scarlet sash.
    Across the left cheek was a deep, long scar
    The result of a brawl in a Palestinian bar.
    He wore a gray, shark-skin suit
    Which he had bought half-price in Beirut.
    He brought the gun he stole as a boy
    (Henever had much in the way of toys).
    It came complete with plenty of clips
    (Healways brought extras on long trips).
    His manner was unlike the gentle knight
    Rather, he fought his battles out of spite.
    He was neither polite nor benign
    And treated us all like common swine.
     As for his intelligence I would wager
    That he was not a political science major.
     Yet, he was well-versed in Mother Goose
     And quite familiar with Doctor Seuss.
     He told of many a dull endeavor,
     But through it all not one dared ever
     Shut him up for fear of the rifle.
     So we put up with every trifle.
     He was a talkative fellow all the same.
     In truth, I cannot pronounce his name.

                                                        -Edward S. Kurz III

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