Page 18 - Contrast1991Fall
P. 18


 I.                                        II.
                                           my heart has seen
as a child raking leaves                   much of Autumn. even now
and piling them in the garden.             it is smothered. quilted
iloved to jump in                          heavy in brittle leaves
and wade chest deep

 my grandma laughed                         (they say it's easier
 With me. she taught me                    to bag them up and hide
 to spread them all out                    them away in synthetic coffins.
 over the broken earth                     but I feel such convenience
 and told me how next year                 poisons my depths.) like grandma
 those brown bits of death                 I'd rather do the extra work
would rot and tum
into JUicy sweet com                       grandma let go of her branch
                                           Willingly and not unhappy.
(today i saw workers gathering             turned blood red and blew away
leaves on the sidewalk. smashing           spinning in a chilly Wind at dawn.
them into black double-strength
garbage bags. they took them               i stlll hear her rustling
to the county landflll                     every now and again, whispering
                                           "spread these leaves out
buried them there to stay                  and SOOnthis garden will
in plastic for a thousand years.           feed you Juicy sweet com"
robbing the earth of the fallen
life which fllIs her breasts                                  -Pat Blackman
and SUckles Spring. polluting instead
the deep water We drink.)

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