Page 21 - Contrast1989
P. 21


ringed notebooks brought their crushing weight

down on my fragile spirals. His mnnue number

of books wreaked havoc on my important pa-

pe:s. Homework I had spent tedious hours
domg began to disappear. One day my patience
ran out when upon arriving to school I found a
huge stack of library books taking up every inch
of available space in the locker. Overcome by
rage I threw them to the floor. Satisfied I got my

books for the day and locked the locker. Later I
returned to find every item I owned scattered on

s=the ground. Would this person never go away?
      was testing me; no one was that disorgan-
lZed.I was actively planning Glecklers' sudden

death When blessfully the year came to an end.
         He left after that year and I didn't see him

again till this summer. It was a hot summer
night When my friend Kate and I walked to the
neighborhood convenience store. Kate and I
were on our monthly pig out and we needed
so~e serious junk food. I walked into the
 ~nghtly lit store feeling conspicuously unattrac-
 tive as droplets of sweat rolled down my back ..
 Kate and I giggled in delight as we made our way
 to the cupcake aisle. I was vaguely aware of the
 cashiers' stare, but thought it was mere morbid

 CUriOSityWith my disgusting appearance. I
 emerged triumphant with swisS cake rolls and
 marshmallow balls and pranced merrily up to

 the counter only to hear a male voice say
 "Chloe?""Oh no" I thought. What male individ-
 Ual gets to see me in this state? My eyes flew up
 to ~ookinto a pair of very nice dark blue eyes. I

 ~Ulcklytook in the rest of this fine male form.
  I:IeCouldn't be anyone I know", I thought to my-

 self. Then suddenly I had a head on collision
 With my memory. ..JOE" I heard myself say

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