Page 40 - Contrast1982Springv25
P. 40


    It is in the mixture of tenths         I have to catch myself from
    of hundredths of milimeters in         eroding with the grey clay
    the differences between the fif-       banks of the salty Chesapeake
    teen balls on the pool table           at the lusty beating of waters,
    neatly racked,
                                           I seem to faint into salt air
    And the tenths of tenths               dizzy with watching high geese
    of differences in degrees in           and yellow-white swans sil-
    the angle of the impacting             houette on the winter's daystar,
    cue,                                   the waters are long deep blue
     And their collected
     forces at proportionate angles        erratic piles of driftwood are
     on the perfectly measurable           collecting around my feet in
     felt rectangular sides,               poetically changing hues and
                                           formations, changing with the
     Also in proportionate                 waves and the daystar behind
     inter-collisional angles and          the geese and broken clouds,
     forces, added against the resistence
     of the slate and felt compounds        If I only had the right
     not to mention gravity and '           Woman to marry, this would
     some slight air resistence ,           be the perfect world.

      That this time six stripes
      ~nd two solids were knocked
      mto the two inch six oval
      pockets, and seven were
      left on the table.

                                           D. Wilson

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