Page 12 - Contrast1982Springv25
P. 12


         I float
I in indeterminate grey

         whispers of thought and feeling
         Swarm together
         blurred unfocused
         like monet's cathedral
         nothing is definite
         swatches of blue and grey
        randomly sWirled together
        in no precise form
        create the illusion
        of something concrete
        I am a fog of wisps
        ambiguous thoughts swished together
        vague pastel suggestions
        thickly muddled
        no clarity no opinion only blurs
        somewhere in the pea-soup
        a dim form of a god
        filled with sunday school benevolence
        fades away
       I numbly
       float through the motions
       of living
       vaguely reaching
       for a reality
       that does not exist
       it is an illusion
       there is no cathedral

                                             Robyn Quick

                                                      Karen Knecht

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