Page 2 - Contrast1977Novemberv21n1
P. 2
QI'l'H APPLEReats pine neeCUes and .dreams of
building a cabin in the woods. CBlUS ALBER!'
has an extra eye which winks involuntarily.
BARRY CHANIsa lives in Jerusalem, Israel. JOE
GAINER dreams that he speaks in tongues. DAVID
IiER.RsTRoM is a 1IIe.1Ii>er of the first string US 1
poets team o£ New Jersey. BOB KELLy plays the
Saxophone every 'l'hursday night at "Slims Bar"
in Omaha, Nebraska. CHRISMEBRis a stockholder
in the Birdseye Coxp. LINDAMIGLcan be found
living and w:ri ting in her body. SHARONO. CONNOR
main-lines india ink. RICK ROECKERlives by
night and sleeps by day. KEI'l'HSLIFER tries to
preserve little pieces of experience and the
ways people perce! ve them and feel about them,
just before they forget that anything ever hap-
pened at all. KELLy STONElikes to rece! ve pre-
sents. COLLINDAVID.Wll':BB lives in Great Britain.
JEFF WHITTAKER lives in Nirvana, Georgia and
WoUld rather fight than swi tell.
SubmiSSions and correspondence can be mai.led to:
Western Maryland College
WeStminster, lID. 21157
SubmiSSions shoUld be &eCODq>aniebdy a sel£-
a.ddzessed S~d envelope.