Page 17 - Contrast1977Novemberv21n1
P. 17


"Been away for a weekI GeorgeI" he said

suddenly at the barman as he looked up to take

his order. "The usual." He replied to the


"Andwhat's that? II the stare replied.

"Bitter . Been away a week, GeorgeI" he

continued as the pint came out of the silver

tap like jelly. "Been to Scotland last week

an' back. Over six hundred miles in a week!

All by train. Tiring I can tell you."

The pint of jelly set in the glass, solid

and opaquely orange. He put a pound note on

the bar and the publican took it with a wet

stain to the till.

"My only brother died. Had to go up for

the funeral. Had to see to things. I was his

only living relative left."
      His face looked in its middle sixties enough

to be close to following the dead brother.

"Sort out the will like, and the clothes.

Got t is best suit on now, fits me like a treat"

he said with a sudden sparkle. "Couldn't have

come at a better time. Got to go for a job

next week. Suit '11 help me out  a bi t there  ..
III e. Not very muchwear on it,   not frayed.

He held out the cuffs and took his change.

"Train was late I missed a connection, no

heating either. Bloody cold. Cold at the

cemetary too, cold wind. There was only me

and Bert Jones, oh and Jock turned up, old

army friends them, all the salt of the earth.

They won't be long going now though."
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