Page 9 - Contrast1975
P. 9


                          you want to understand me?

                          you want to understand me?

                          o.k., I'll tell you.
                          God and Lucifer were playing a game

                          of 53 card pick-up,

                          and I'm the Joker

                          that got lost under the couch.  p


the cause                                p     and what happens
the cause                                      and what happens
of the First Cause                             when the infinite meets eternity?
is Man's weakness.                             must not all negate
                                               in the end?
but,                                           a universe of burnt-out stars,
that's hardly an excuse.
                                               cold cinders,
                                               hurtling through space.                 p
                                               who laughs last in the Void           (rwr)
                                               but Nothing.

bom a void within the Void               p     knowing that all must end
born a void within the Void                    knowing that all must end
man chooses or refuses                         in Death.
painted whore-face society                     yet,
garish streetlight silhouetted                 a certain perverse laughter
"wanta date?"                                  bursts out in defiance.
but penicillin can't cure                      and the echos sound
a syphilitic soul.                             in the chasms of Pluto.

condemned men slouch against the font                                                  p
condemned men slouch against the font

drunkened on sacramental wine,

dulling the cold                               god sent his son

of mortal wind                                 god sent his son
                                                            to die for Man's sins.
piercing King James' blanket.
                                               which is just.
the sentence was read at birth.        p       his morality

                                       (rwr)                made them so.

now tbey say                                                                           p

now they say

that parallels intersect at infinity.          LEAP

too bad we're just segments                    Soren backed-off about fifty yards

'n' ain't got that long.                       so as to get a better running start.

convergence runs counter to my soul            I mean, even with Faith,

In a garden with death                         you can't be too careful about these things.

in every bleed in' rose.                       St. Peter's palms might be sweaty.

yes, I do believe                              And even poor Pascal

it's time for me to leave you.                 was known to lose at the tables.

but you're not alone.                  p                                             p

                                       (rwr)                                         (rwr)
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