Page 34 - Contrast1968
P. 34

palace. You'll never get inside it. If you try they'll catch
you and execute you. You see you can't frighten me."

    "But you see you'll never leave this room to g~ tomatytoeur

palace. You see you are no more. I'm you. It doesn t        am

how much you change, yOU'll still be you. It would be the ~m e

mind in the same body. I'm you but I'm also different so I

not really you. I'm real."

          Lady Jennifer whimpered and Jennifer looked 0ut t0he It'5
plate glass wall at the sliding drops. "It's t1,me to '9lli•p. He

about stopped raining ••••Are you ready?" she aske? P~l.seated on
nodded. Takingher by the arm they left Lady Jennl.fe een

a wrought iron garden chair. Jennifer picked up her gr Jennifer
slicker which was almost dry and put it on. PhilliPea~odor.
made tracks on the black carpet as they walked to th

 h      "They'll execute you" mumbled Lady Jennifer      anId'sudldoeonkleYd
se  panl..ckedand ran after P,hillip and Jenn1'fPehri.l       dle.nP hOUse

oVer his shoulder as he stepped from the Banisters' gar printS

and saw Lady Jennifer faintly running but making no sole
on the black carpet.

                            John Douglas
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