Page 25 - Contrast1967November
P. 25

Obviously I cannot comment on this question.

13. What about the charge from the "new left"
          that the war is economically motivated?

          I don't agree with the "new left's" charge.
It is easy to see that the vast amounts of capital
being expended daily in support of Vietnam would
aid the American industry and population far more,
if it were put to use in our own country. The
administration might silence many of its critics
by putting these profits into the Poverty Program,
but it can't, there are no profits.

14. Do you feel that Negro Americans are
          shouldering more than their burdens in Viet

          The Negro soldiers in Vietnam are shouldering
no greater burden than are our other soldiers there.
The percentage of Negroes in the Army is quite high
because the American Negro realized some time ago
that in the Army he can find the equality and
respect which are not available to him in the
civilian community. When a unit is sent into
combat or a replacement is sent forward, no one
checks the color of a man's skin, only that unit's
or man's ability to do the job. Most Negroes do an
outstanding job in Vietnam, as do the majority of
all our soldiers. They perform their combat duties
as we back home would expect any American soldier
to perform.

15. What would be your solution to the Viet Nam

          I would stop the bombing of North Vietnam
today, if there were any indication that the North
Vietnamese would stop their troop and supply
movements south within any reasonable time period.
I would pull American troops out of South Vietnam
tomorrow if North Vietnamese units would go back
north and the Viet Cong would allow and participate
in genuine free elections in South Vietnam. Since
only an idiot could possibly think either or both
of these could happen, I would step up our military
operations. I would first demonstrate our capability
of winning the war by giving our military leaders
a free hand for a two-week period. I would then
stop all military operations for two days, and try
to negotiate. If North Vietnam refused to
negotiate, I would greatly increase both our troop
strength in the south and our air strikes in the
north and. win the wa~.
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