Page 23 - Contrast1967November
P. 23

Although neither I nor any of my friends and
  contemporaries in the Army have ever heard of the
  use of drugs by troops in combat zones, I am not
  greatly surprised by reports of troops in the rear
  areas, such as Saigon and Qui Nhon, using drugs.
  Drugs of all types are readily available throughout
  Southeast Asia to almost anyone desiring them. The
 motivation of troops in Vietnam for taking drugs is
  actually no different than it is anywhere else.
  The young man/who took drugs or might have taken
  drugs back home is the same man who does so in
 Vietnam, where they are much easier to find and
 relatively less expensive. The age group of our
  troops in Vietnam is the same as that on our
 campuses and their motivation for taking drugs is
 the same as the college students. Those who
  think our troops in Vietnam take drugs to ease their
 troubled consciences have not looked into the

 10. Is there a credibility gap as Romney has
           charged, and if so, how do you feel about it.?

           If by credibility gap you mean the President
 and his administration are intentionally lying to
 the American pUblic, there is no such gap. However,
 if you mean that ther~ are occasionally or even
 often differences between press and administration
 releases and because of these differences the
American people believe they are being mislead on
 events in Vietnam, you are undoubtedly correct. If
 the public were able to observe some of the events
 as they happen it would soon realize that the
 credibility gap is almost nonexistent. There is no
censorship of the news in Vietnam and reporters
never hesitate to tell the public just when a
 soldier is accidently killed by his own artillery,
or other mistakes of this kind. I am sure most of
us realize the administration's hesitancy in
reporting such instances.

11. Does the U.S. truly have the support of the
         people of South Viet Nam?

         The United States does have the support of
the people of South Vietnam. At no time during my
tour in Vietnam was I ever aware that we did not
have the full support of the people. Obviously
those living in Viet Cong controlled.areas would
not give any intelligence information to our units
unless they took the people with them when the
units left the area. If the people helped our
troops and were left behind, they would have been
killed by the Viet Congo The South Vietnamese
know we are fighting for their freedom and they
don't want us to stop.

12. What is your opinion of LJB's conduct of the
         war in Viet Nam?
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