Page 22 - Contrast1966
P. 22

Slumbering peacefully in an indigo sea-
And we watched them through the stark branches
Of winter-stripped trees.

We stayed as long as we could,

But we SOon were forced to leave our haven
For the outside world.

Our families would be worried.
Is was getting late.

But the memory of those few moments,

Retrieved from the drudgeries of a mechanized world,
Lingered still.


Dear Lord ... The lemons •..

We thank Thee ... in the ice-tea glasses                    .
For this day and this food swirling                        .
Help us to use it ... slower .
To better ... and slower .

Do Thy Will ... and almost stopped. Amen.

                                   IN PRAISE OF EGO

Humble, humble, humble pie.
Stuff it down my throat-I'll spit in your eye.
Humility's the greatest virtue-they cry it long and loud,
They who have nothing of which to be proud.
But I'm so conceited that should I rise above it
And achieve humility, I'd be proud of it.

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