Page 10 - Contrast1963v7n1
P. 10

IICocktail? Manhattan. O. K. You are leaving tomorrow,
aren't you? The Alaska Coastal-Ellis Report said that the fog
above Rupert had lifted. 'Captain Mur-vis Brown will pilot the
flight to Prince Rupert, tomorrow,' it said. You poor thing--all
these days. We've enjoyed you.

          IINow let's see. What about that Petersburg shrimp
cocktail before dinner? With lemon? Um-hmm. O. K. Russian
dr-es ainq on your salad? Got it. You know, it's funny you
asked about that dressing. The recipe did come from S itka--
during the time the Russians were here. Miss Frump, the
hostess, was telling me last night. Now, we have no venison
tonight. II How about that T-bone?1I No? How about some
seafood, then? Salmon steak, halibut, possibly trout, king
crab dishes? O. K . S aImon steak.

          "Listen! Tell me more about what it's like back there--
back East. I've never been there. As a matter of fact, I've
never been outside of the Panhandle, and you can see--Oh,
deer-, Miss Frump is snapping her fingers at me again. I'd
better run. Now don't you get bored. Read the menu again,
01'" something . . • II

          "S on, they 'ad a bear out there at Hollis, 'at could eat
a boy your size for an appetizer. 'Ee was about twelve feet
'igh, lee was. 'Bout the biggest one I ever saw. 'Slobberjaws'
'as what they called "im , 'Ee used to walk down the middle
of the camp, the salivee all dr-ippiri' down 'is jaws, just like
lee owned the place. Oh, an 'onrier-y bitch, lee was. Well,
one day we 'us all sittin' around the cook shed, after dinner.
Well, '00 should come meand'rin' down the road, but the old
boy, 'imself. Now, this in itself, ain't unusual, y'understand.
The thing 'at took us all afright, was lee 'ad the bOSS's Wife
in 'is arms, lee did. Naturally, she 'ad fainted dead away--
I mean, bein' carried off by a bear, and all. Oh, lee didn't
do fer no harm, y'understand? 'Ee kinda dropped "er- right
in front of us. Not a one of us moved. We 'us all petrified.
Old Slobberjaws kinda' looks all 'round, and then lee moseys
off down the road, again. The boss's wife, Gertie--she never
did know 'ow she got picked up by the old boy! Amnesee
from the shock, I guess.

"Gotta say one thing for old Slobberjaws--'ee     sure knows
                                                 Gertie 'as a
'ow to pick 'is 'IIIoOmenb, y God. I mean, that  Why, we got

real peach, she 'as. What lid we do for fer?

fer some smelIin' salts, we did .  "

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