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bobbing some distance ahead of him. He started swimming toward
it. His training stood with him. The left arm, to be sure, was stiff,
but he was gaining on the bird that was now being carried steadily
out to sea. A mountain of green water rose before him as he reached
out for the little sea gull with his crooked arm and cradled it in the
heretofore hated curve of it.

       "Keep fighting, Skimmer, we'll make it!" Johnny's words were
to encourage both the rescued and the rescuer. The water was cold,
as it would be till August. Johnny's breathing was difficult. "Come
on, Skimmer, we're doing it. God won't let either of us down!"

      Finally, with strong, trained legs he made his way out of the water
to a nearby rock, the bird still cradled in his left arm. For the first
time in months Johnny looked at him arm tenderly. "Guess it is still
good for something. What do you say, Skimmer?" The beaten sea
gull had curled down in the curve of his arm and rested there as
though it were in a nest-a safe heaven.

      When I finally got to Johnny, he was standing on the shoreline
with the sea gull tucked peacefully in the crook of his arm. He turned
to me and smiled. The old twinkle had returned in his eyes. I knew
then that Johnny had at last found himself.

      We turned then to the sea. This time the sea gulls swooped low
over a calmer sea, their thin cries beautiful against the quiet murmur
of the waves. Holding Skimmer in both hands, Johnny raised his
arms toward the evening sky.

      "Good going, Skimmer!"
      For a moment the gull hesitated, its eyes glinting in the twilight
as though holding farewell tears. The beautiful bird, true to his name,
went skimming freely out to the horizon. Once again strong and
powerful, Skimmer flew with grace and perfection over the vast waters.
      "Johnny, why did you let him go? He would have made a wonder-
ful mascot for the swimming team."
      "No, I think there are other plans for him, or God wouldn't have

had me here to save him."
      For a long moment we stood there watching. Finally Johnny

lowered his arms slowly, one at a time, the left one last. It looked
better to him now, even straighter.

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