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WHEN JOHNNYCANEfirst came into my life, he didn't impress
              me as being out of the ordinary. In fact, at first sight he
 wasn't striking at all. He was of medium height with a. shock of
 blond hair which always looked uncombed. The feature that was
 most noticeable was his muscular arms, which, I was soon to learn,
 were attributed to the fact that he was a champion swimmer. How-
 ever, I think the first thing that attracted me to Johnny was his dark
 brown eyes that forever held a twinkle as though he were always on
 the verge of laughter. And in his eyes lay a deep understanding and
 warmth that made one want to pour out his troubles to him. Johnny
 was a great one for problem-solving, and he particularly stressed that
 faith in God was the answer to all problems. Little did I know that
 his own faith was soon to be tested and that the surprising outcome
 would leave such a lasting impression.

       Johnny loved cars and had a streamlined racer which he crowned
 "The Chariot." She was a neat little car that could really go }\Then
 Johnny let her loose on the drag strip, but' he was always a careful.
 conscientious driver on the highway. While riding in "The Chariot,"
we kids could really unwind, and Johnny was such a great guy to talk
 to that this is where we spent most of our time.

      Then our happy, carefree world turned into a nightmare. The
tires on "The Chariot" were a bit on the smooth side, but they were
well-patched. Even though johnny had the money and insisted on
buying new ones, we told him how attached we had become to the
funny little patches. Just like my hair ribbon that he had used to
patch the hole in the canvas top of the old car. So he gave in to us,
and then it happened. One little skid-that's all it had taken to do
ethqeuatlrliecdk. aItcahtaasdtrobpeehne. fun, but patched tires and slippery streets had

said."We are grateful to God that you're alive, Son," his parents had

      "Sure-and that no one else Washurtl" But his words were bitter.
Certainly he was alive, but what good did it do now? His left arm
hung crookedly at his side and as he stared at it, his whole being in-
voluntarily revolted. He had been a champion swimmer and his team
needed him desperately this year, but he would never swim again.

      More and more I noticed the change that came over Johnny. He

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