Page 86 - ARAlbumsWesternNYAlumniChapter1968-1992
P. 86
Smiling, dancing and taking a bow ,""
From page 18 ,-' tion," she said. his first evening home to be at the
"We'd all get together and sing," The drummer's coat got a round pe~!orm~ce.:' .
he remembered. "And if we'd like a of applause when it arrived. ' My kids love this," she said.
song we'd buy the record, Now they "Would you believe we're dental "T~ey like telling their friends that
don't fit the record players any- hygientists?" Sandy Kravetz said. their mother sings and wears rhine:
more. They aren't good for anything She w~ smiling, next to her identi- sto~~s. ..
but sklppmg across the water." cal twin, in rustic costume each I~e always been very open WIth
A piece of advice from Edwin: ,with a blackened tooth. Sandy's was ~y .kl?S, I've been open. I've said;
, "He~; look, keep smiling." the left upper incisor, sister Phyllis's Thl~ IS me.' ': ..
. Fifty-three Gables residents took was the right upper incisor, .Like most m the company, Kip,
-10 the,perform~ce._They~were well "This is authentic dental wax" sal.d she has been performing since
dressed and well coiffed and well ' Phyllis said, pointing to her mouth chIldhood: But she also said she was
mannered. A schedule in the corri- "It's from our dental office" . shy, for a long time. It wasn't until
dor listed the day's activities and in .The pair seemed to completaly well into adulthood, -after her di-
the back .of the. room hung letters enJ~y being twins. They told twin ~orce, that that ~hanged. She said;
from foreign children the residents stone~, remarked on the similarity' I became .more independent, ~d I
support. of their tastes, and showed pictures started being m?, own person.
The performers, mostly in their, of themselves as indistinguishable The finale included a dance
40s and 50s, bobbed and weaved toddlers. And they performed to- number. Step, step, kick. Step, step.;
and ca,":o.rted.Their faces twisting gether - A C!0uple of Swells and a r~ach. Step, step, lean. Step, step,
and smiling and oh-my-goshing in sing along WIth Shine on Harvest kick reach lean.
the over-stated expressions of stage Moon. Afterward, Hedy Spingarn
actors. The troupe's colors are red black passed among the performers
"Everybody tells me I could nev- and white. ' , handing them refreshments. ,: •
er play po~er,:' said Linda Maloney, Toni Wacenske was dressed all in He.dy, a Jew, was chased out o(
a te~cher s al~? at Hillside Chil- red. An? after the show she changed Aus~rla by the Anschluss _ the
dren ~ C~nter. My face is too ex- l~towhlte, for work. She is an over- N~l annexatIOn of her country.
"I:~pressive, I remember that day, it was a
night nurse at Genesee Hospital
Linda W?SSecond Hand Rose, . 'on'with my patients all the Saturday, Marc~ 13, 1938, all the
swishing pearls and playing to the tll~e, .Toni said. "They love it. I planes were coming over," she said.
audience. The front row smiled think It .ma~es them happy, and I came by boat to New York.and ~y
back. takes their mind off their troubles" bus to Brockport. And I lived in ,
"It's the faces, that's the best Toni has eight grandchildre~ Brockport for 50 years." .~ ,
part,:' she said. "Being in this kind and a theory about why performer~ "Here," she told Kip, handing'
of thing whe~e·yousee the faces see perform. her a candy, "I got this, for you."
the reaction. That's the best.... "I think it's just that we're T~e strange relationship of en-
On ~uesday and Wednesday, at hams," she said. "We like atten- tertamment. Some peopl&'willingtb
work,Lmda dressed up like a dino- bon." perform, some other peo illing '
sa~~. ~ stegasaurus, to be exact. Kip Stoll is also a Genesee nurse. to watch. . :'; /.'.;~j/
., Be~g able to kid around helps, Her son, a new graduate, came back Bob Lonsberry's Real People ap-
It s another form of communica- from college yesterday. She missed pears Monday, WednesdC!:y and,