Page 82 - ARAlbumsWesternNYAlumniChapter1968-1992
P. 82


                                              'The Peace Corps' purpose is the this school year, is the flratstab at

                                              same as when John F. Kennedy created opening the Peace Corps to graduates

                                              it in 1961 - to send U.S. volunteers of community colleges. And it offers

                                              abroad for two years to help developing incentives, just like the military.                         .

                                              nations with health care, food, shelter                Students selected - and 80 far the

   RICHARD                                    and education. Today about 6,000 vol- school has plans for seven Hispanics'
                                              unteers and trainees are in 73 countries. and three African Americans - carr
This is not
                                                 WHAT'S new - and what's missing                     join the Peace Corps after their two
your father's                                 in Rochester - is the domestic part.                   years of .eollege, provided they are
                                                                                                     skilled in such areas as auto or aeronau-'
Peace Corps                                      A new Peace Corps Fellows Program
                                              hands out 400 scholarships a year for                  tical mechanics, nursing, accounting;'
    Barbara Zartman, former chairwom-
                                              former volunteers to work in "high- horticulture or medical technology. '
 an of Monroe County's Republican
 party and time-tested George Bush            risk" schools and communities while The students earn 30 college credits
 supporter, flew back to Rochester
 'Thursday in her latest incarnation -        they study for advanced degrees.                       for their Peace Corps work, and on'
 deputy director of the Peace Corps.
                                              Rochester isn't taking part. One rea- their return, they're guaranteed admis-
     'The Peace Corps is celebrating its
  30th anniversary this month, and Zart-      son: No demand; there's no teacher                     sion to the senior class of the City
  man invited about 200 local Peace           shortage here, Zartman said. Another:                  University of New York.
  Corps veterans for hors d'oeuvres at the
  downtown Holiday Inn. .                     New York makes it too difficult for the                  Meanwhile, the Peace Corps puq
                                                                                                     away $5,000 in the bank for them.
     Just one showed up.                      volunteers to become certified to teach.
     And Angela Easley said she almost          Also new is the World Wise Schools                      Added attraction: Not only do em-
 didn't go. 'Though the invitations were
  mailed a week in advance, the Postal        program, aimed at expanding school- ployers value Peace Corps vets, but;
. -Service's ice-storm-inspired .decision
 not to deliver mail Monday and Tues-         kids' knowledge of geography, interns- some federal agencies automatically'
 .day meant that many alumni, herself
  included, didn't get them till that day.    tiona! affairs and volunteerism.                       put them at the head of the hiring list; .

   A pity, because Zartman deserved an          Two thousand Peace Corps volun-                         The best incentive of all, of course, is
                                              teers from around the world swap mail,                 the Peace Corps experience itself.
 audience. She was saying, in effect, that    newsletters and videocassettes with
 this is not your father's Peace Corps.       60,000 U.S. grade school students.                       AT THE Holiday Inn, Angela Easley'
 . The updated version is carving out                                                                told Zartman and me how the Peace.
 more of a role for Peace Corps veterans.       This isn't in Rochester, either. Ef-                 Corps had changed her and her hus-
  , Best of all, the corps is becoming
 more. ~clusive - rmding ways to in-          forts to set up a Peace Corps presence
 clude people who haven't graduated
 from college but still have a lot to offer.  here - with an office at the University band's lives. She was .aphysical thera-:
                                              of Rochester ataffed by a Peace Corps' pist; her husband, Michael. a video-:
     During the Gulf crisis, some called
 people in that category "ecouomic            alumnus - have failed.            ,                    . grapher.. They- served in Morocco:
 draftees." Only the military offered
 them job training, college money and         So have attempts to organize area: together from 1984 to 1987. ';:
 ready cash. Peace didn't have a chance.
                                              Peace Corps alumni. .                                  Not only did the stint convince her to-

                                              'That was one thing Zartman hoped .choose public health as a career, she:

                                              to get going 'Thursday. That's one rea- said, but the Peace Corps way of doing·

                                              son she says she'll return. .                          things made such an impression that

                                                 I HOPE she brings good news about today she shuns working for "competi-·
                                              the- remarkable experiment at Bronx tive" health-care organizations that

                                              Community College in New York City.                     don't value working with communities.,
                                                                                                        As ·for Michael, he shed corporate
                                              It' to h  . th P Co
                                              unlesss youug hatovegeat siknill ien deeamceand rbpys   suits for the casual wear of an artist, she
                                              the developing country. Nine times out
                                                                                                     '.said. He's pursuing a master's degree In-

                                              of ten, that requires a college degree. fine arts at Rochester Institute of Teeh-:
                                              Moreover, the Corps picks only 3,000 nology and will soon show his videos on-
                                              people a year from 16,000 applicants. "cross-cultural experiences" in publie-

                                                 These facts of life have led not only space on St. Paul Street.
                                              to a Peace Corps that's somewhat elit- Amazing what happens when peace

                                              ist, but one that until very recently . breaks out.

                                              hasn't been racially diverse.                          . Prince is -a Democrat and Chronicle

                                              The Bronx pilot program, started and Times-Union columnist.

                                              o CONSGI()US CONSCIENCE:

                                              Cross Cultural Art. Michael Boone

                                              Easley chose that title-to reflect the in.

                                              fluence on. his art of his years as Peace

                                              Corps worker in North Africa. Current.

                                              ly studying for his Master of Fine Arts

                                              degree at Rochester Institute of Tech-

                                              nology, Easley hasa show up through

                                              . Saturday at RIT's City Center, 50 W.

                                              Main St. It includes a primitive throne

                                              covered with straw and Eastman Ko-

                                              dak Co. film boxes, and a life-sized ma-

                                              donna and child. paved with flattened

                                              : Coca-Cola Classic cans .... The work of

                                              13 other MFA candidates - including

                                              Rochesterian Catherine Lasch Ram- .

                                              din ..:...i.s displayed through tomorrow

                                              .in RITs Bevier Gallery.       , ..
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