Page 20 - ARAlbumsWesternNYAlumniChapter1968-1992
P. 20

Back Row: (L to R) Dr. Ralph C. John: Ellis
                                           Bruner, '46: Gerald W. Commerford, '35: Rev.
                                           Robert W. Harris, '60. Middle Row: (L to R)
                                           Mrs. Ralph C. John: Melania Stange
                                           Anderson, '62: powell R. Anderson, '60:
                                            William E. Beatty, '40. Front Row: (L to R)
                                           Jane Mellor Riehl, '42: Joyce Parker Miller,
                                            '50: Phyllis Ibach Smith. '64: Martha

                                            Schaeffer Herting, '50.

                                              NEW YORK


                                              Commerford, president. and Ellis Bruner,

     Fifteen alumni and spouses from the      secreta ry/treasurer.
 Western New York area attended the sixth         A special tribute was paid

 annual get together on April 23, 1973 at     Beatty's who contributed so much to the
, the Holloway House in East BlooMfield,      alumni club and issue the newsletters

New York.                                     each year.
    Alumni in attendance were powell               Dr. John gave a short talk about

Anderson, '60. Melanie Stange An-              Western Maryland College as it is today
derson. '62. William Beatty, '40,              and where it is likely to go in the future. A
EIIi:>Bruner, '48, Gerald Commerford,          question and answer session followed. It
                                               was very obvious that fresh blood is at
'35. Robert Harris, '60, Martha                WMC, and the college is fortunate,
Schaeffer Hertng, '50, Joyce Parker             indeed, to have the Johns at the helm.
Mmer, '50, Jane Mellor Riehl. '42, and          Western Maryland is changing, but it
                                                retains its small college conservative
Phyllis Ibach Smith, '64.
    Honored guests were Western                 posture.
                                                     This year's luncheon was one of the
Maryland's new president and his wife,
                                                 most memorable in recent years. It is
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. John. We were              refreshing to spend an afternoon
                                                 discussing something important to each
fortunate to have them with us,                  of us _ Western Maryland College. We

considering their busy schedule in

preparing  for the forthcoming

inauguration.                                 hope to see mere of yOU in the future.
    After a social hour and delicious I men.                             Respectfully submitted,

a short business meeting was conducted.       powell R. Anderson, '60
New officers elected were: Gerald
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