Page 17 - ARAlbumsWesternNYAlumniChapter1968-1992
P. 17

The report of the spring meeting of the                    A new
 Western New York Alumni meeting fol-
 lows with a picture of the alumni who at-                  graduate Relations has been set up, with
 tended. President Earll visited with the                   Jim Lightner, '59, as chairman, to acquaint
 group on an alumni club visitation swing                   current students with the Alumni Associa-
 through Rochester and New York City                        tion. Some activities include:
 coupled with a personal business trip. He
 has been from coast. to coast this year                       a. Sunday morning brunches at Harrison
having met with a few Western Maryland.                             House. Students can come and go,
ers in Seattle as earlier reported.                                 have a "rap session," tour the
                                                                    house, etc. 150 students had been
    We are indebted to Martha Schaeffer                             to th ree of these.
Herting, '50, for reporting .and to William
E. (Bill) Beatty, '40, for his indomitable                     b. A career counseling clinic uses
spirit.                                                             alumni to talk to students about par-
                                                                    ticular areas of interest. Some al-

     Fifteen WMC-Western New York alumni                              ready covered are: newspapers, ma-
 and spouses attended the fourth annual                               rine biology, banking, and computer
 luncheon April 24 ·at the home of Bill and                          science.
 Lorraine Beatty, 194 Connor drive, Hen-
 rietta. Those attending were:                                  Martha wrote that, "we alumni can
                                                            help combat occasional criticisms or 'bad
    Gerald Commerford, Rome, N. Y., '35                     press' if we make it our business to know
    William Beatty, Henrietta, N. Y., '40                   what is going on at WMC. Our Alma Mater
    William Dennis, Penfield, N. Y., '41                    seems to be coping very well with the
    Ellis Bruner, Wolcott, N. Y., '48                       few problems which have occurred on
    Katherine Brown Ross, Rochester, N. Y.,                 campus."
                                                                "The Proposed Constitution" of WMC-
                                                            WNY Alumni received prior to the April

    Caroline Benson Schaeffer, Jamestown,                   meeting was formally adopted by those.
N. Y., '49                                                  present without any changes.

    Martha Schaeffer Herting, Spencerport,                      New officers elected at this meeting
N. Y., '50                                                  are:

    Joyce Parker Miller, Lockport, N. Y., '50               President-Martha  Hetting
    Homer Earll was the honored guest
speaker. He brought those in attendance                     Secretary/Treasurer-Powell  Anderson
up to date on campus doings and things
of interest and importance to all alumni.·                      Gerald Commerford, speaking for all,
He mentioned that atl·· will be receiving                   expressed special "Thanks" to Bill Beatty,
the constitution ·~~d· by-laws recently
adopted by the Alumni Association.                          outgoing president. for his initiative, time,
    Homer also told the group of the
search for a college president among 42                     and effort in organizing and guiding the
candidates and that the new and youngest-
                                                            WNY Club through these first four years.
                                         Board of Trustees  We are happy Bill has consented to con.
                                                            tinue editing and printing WMC-WNY News.

                                                            Next meeting, fourth Saturday in April

                                                            according to the Constitution, falls on Sat-

                                                            urday, April 22, 1972. Mark this on your
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