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                                                              Music & TV

Stoff Reporter                                                Dewey Decimal system like the back of her hand. So-
                                                              fia is the resident hairdresser and only transwoman in

Communal showers. Questionable food. Hard beds.               the prison. (Interestingly enough, she is also played by
     No, this isn't McDaniel but the Women's Correctional'    a transwoman.) Nicky is a former drug addict, lifetime
                                                              lesbian and right hand woman to Red, the communist
Facilityin Litchfield,N.Y, the setting of hit show Orange is  chef.Pennsatucky, the main antagonist, is a god-fear-
the New Black (OITNB). The Netflix original series,based      ing meth addict who hates everything about Chap-
off of a book of the same name,' follows Piper Chapman        man. Pornstache is a corrections officer (CO) with
during her 15 month sentence in a federal prison. Piper
Chapman is a "nice blonde lady" who dated an internation- terrible taste in facial hair. It's easy to fall completely
al drug smuggler right out of college (don't get any ideas). in love with, or extremely hate, any of them.

Ten years later, her small involvement in the business has For example, there is an attempt to humanize Porn-

caught up with her.                                           stache towards the end of the season, but I still find

The main storyline hops back and forth between Chap- him to be the scum of the earth. The development'

man's prison life and the life of her relatives, particularly of characters, like that of Pornstache, is one of the

her fiance, in the outside world. As the season progresses, things I love the most about the show. As the season

the focus shifts from Chapman. Multiple storylines'are de- progresses, the characters become more round~d.

veloped and each episode features a different character's And although the show is light-hearted and comedic,

background story.                                             there are didactic moments. Susan, an inmate referred

OITNB showcases images of women not often displayed to as "Crazy Eyes", draws attention to mental health

on 'television. The characters are distinct and stand out. care during an episode that involves another character

The show has been critically acclaimed for the represen- being sent to the psych ward as the result of a prank.

tation of the characters. These women are criminals and Taystee and her best friend, Poussey, share a moment

not in any glamorized, carefree sense. They swear and steal in the prison library. after a failed parole term that
and fight and are, at most times, unapologetic about their shines light on the cycle of incarceration.
actions. But they are shown as more than their crimes. In These moments are important, but they are fleeting.
addition to the.depth of the women portrayed is the variety I don't think the show takes the time to carefully dis-
of women. There are inmates of various races, ages, sexu-
al and gender identities. The characters don't simply stand   sect these moments. Now the show has only had one

as a representation of a single label; they are multifaceted. season and arguably, raising awareness isn't even the
                                                              goal of the program, but the point still remains that
'Taystee, who had naked run-ins with homeless men and greater understanding can be created.

barbecue sauce prior to her prison sentence. knows the        Continued on

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