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- - -------------~-----~---~---~----------------------. Omicron Delta Members Kappa Fint Row: Jemes A national honor s:a;ie!ythai LipchockAngelaEeu!ed Iocuses on providing leader- Courtney Federo/t ship development opportu- B eather Sesboli. Ina nities:wibin the college and Puleri Mary Lee Pence the surroardirw community. Members: mud not only meet grade requiretnerds. but mud slso hold a variety of lead- ership posiiions. Amnesty Members International Firet Row: NsocySinree. Kate Frisby. Leslie A group thai promdes Waller,Leigh Cerriques. the eduosdionof human Tierra Jolly rightg through activities sucti us the Talk on Ti- bet. the Bunger Fagt. B uman Rightg prdestg and Fair Trade Pro- gramg. Alpha Lambda Members Delta Firct Row: Sal'a.h Vannoy, Rebecca Jeyre.K rysii Durcholz.Ktltief!ickey. Jessica Bredlord. W.s Bedsworih. An honor socidywhicti pro- Lahnna Ctlttl/ino. Emily Vtlnce motes:and rewards:academic Secord Row: Rebecca ·Wtlrd. James Lipchock: KtlI'aKunsi, AngelaSeu!ert, excellence upon a dudents: Lyndsay Bare, Anna Bowel'S completion of his/her I'irsi Third Row: Mnret Ryan, Megan year at McDaniel College. N orris.Jess Z irnmermen.Jul il1. Keene, Lena Perenyek. Malt Copelerd. Members: mud earn a cumu- Kathy Wilson, Alexandra Hill Jes- Ieiive GPA of 3.7 or better sica. Sc holt, Megan Sheely Laura after his/ her First year at Pri/chBrd McDaniel.
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