Page 34 - YB2004
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Cheerleadlng Members Fird Row: Kristen Schmorr, Adrienne Glick Jobi Larrick The Cheerleaders provide Tawanda Haynes, Nikki spirited support for the foot- Dickerson ball team during the fall. Secord Row: Ksiheryn Kdzrer. Angie Fiore, Bryan Clark- and the men and women's Braverman Dinah Pyles.Carolyn basketball teams; in ihewirr: Canonico.M ark: Nskssone ier. They also attend Third Row: Susan Prodoehl cbeerlesdiog competitions. (Coach), Andrea. Bock. Christy Chillson. Teishe Talley K risiin Brennan, Megan Mc Mll lan. Alexandra Marie GargonVanes"a Dennis H.Y.P.E. Members Firet Row: Julia Keene, Julie Palmer, Kennedrs. Il.Y.P.b. is a community ser- Tucker, Tiffany Mack vice organization which or- ganizes; community service events that cam pus; organi:- zsdions can participate in. Il.Y.P.£. also holds monthly meetingswhereorganizations can ask for help with com- munity service events. Gamma Sigma Members Sigma First Row: Serah VannoyTay- lor Dunn. Suzanne Cilberi. A national service sorority fo- Ssbrina Weaver, Stephanie cused on doing various service Talbert projects for the campus and Secord Row: Megan Portner, the surrounding community Leuri Gann. Julie Palmer, An- including the cities of gela Seuleri. Kabe Rickey Westminster and Casey Sw iit; Jess Heckermsn Baltimore.They invite anyone ThirdRow: Mnrci Ryan. Megan who is interested in service to Jordan Jenese Marty Jamie join. Esch member completes Allison Paacel Lobel. Lehnru: 15 hours of service per semes- Catalina, K siey f::wift ter.
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