Page 138 - YB2004
P. 138
Brian, you have always exceeded our expectations, and you never fail to amaze us with your accomplishments! This one is the topper! We will forever be your biggest fans. Welove you, we believe in you, and couldn't be more proud of you. Our wish for you now is to take what you have learned and use it ...use it as a tool, in building your life ...a life filled with love, happiness, and most of all FUN! With our deepest love, Mom and Dad xoxoxox p.s. Until you have a son ... you will never know ... the love ... beyond feeling ... that resonates in the heart will never know the sense of honor that makes a parent want to be better than he or she really is. CONGRATULATIONS class of 2004 I!! and Brian (Marty)Martinenza!!! "May the good Lord be with you down every road you roam. May sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home. May you grow to be proud, dignified and true, and do unto others as you'd have done unto you. Be courageous and be brave and in my heart you'll always stay forever young. May good fortune be with you. May your guiding light be strong ... And may you never love in vain and in my heart you will remain forever young H -Forever Young Dear Brian, It seems that no matter how old we get I always think of us as little kids. We definitely had a blast growing up and are blessed to have a ton of great memories. Remember: playing the Atari, sledding in Mary's front yard, Sunday morning Raiders football games, boogie boarding in Cape May, your 8 th grade canoe trip, my attempt at field hockey thanks to you, watching shows like Alf and Saved By the Bell, you torturing any boy that showed an interest in me ("Big Dave"), you trying to teach me the rotating schedule at A.I., water skiing in the AdirondackS, you chasing me around with a light saber, and pretty much just acting like a bunch of knuckleheads. So despite the years of constant teaSing and rough housing, you've been a great brother. So always know that even if I don't say it enough, I love you! I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and I have no doubts that you will go far in life ...just remember, in the words of Bad Company, "you are a shooting star and all the world will love you just as long, as long, as long as you are." Love always, Your kid sister
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