Page 136 - YB2004
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Krystl From a beautiful baby to a beautiful bride! From walking on your knees to marching in the WHSOwl Banet From struggling with multiplication tables to carrying a 4.04 C?RA in college. From KBSto Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Lambda Delta and Lambda Iota Tau. From our backyard to Budapest From ''The Crackr of Dowan" to "Seasons." From Monga & Poppy's little angel to Johnny'sPrincess. You have accomplished so much in such a short time. When we told you to reach for the stars, we never dreamed you would reach so high! We've said it many times before and I know we will say it many more times - we are soooo proud of you! Now you will set off on a new beginning - a new career and a new life as Mrs. JohnAnthony Knauth. As you prepare to set the world on fire - remember, Poppy is watching over you every step of the way. With God leading your way, Poppy for a guardian angel, and Johnny by your side, you've got everything going for you! You are destined to do great things. Congratula- tions on your graduation - the culuminationof 4 outstanding years of hard work, determination and perseverance. Our wish for you is a future filled with love, laughter and happiness. Al- ways remember••• "LIVE WELL, LAUGH OFTEN, LOVE MUCH" You truly are our Shining Star! Love Mommy & Ryan, Dad & Sharon, Monga, Nici, Uncle Joe, Auntie Jill, Auntie Val, Jaclynn, Eddie & Wes
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