Page 37 - YB2003
P. 37
First Row: Semra Hailelul Second Row: YonyengShangguan,Ina Puleri, Nuoman Tullu, jennifer Ballard, Marton Valga. Kahn Hashl Bringing together people of all backgrounds is the aim of the inter- national club. The organization is comprised of undergraduate stu- dents of 19 countries from around the world. We provide an opportu- nity for students to meet and inter- act with others and learn their cul- ture. Founded in 1987,the interna- tional club had no more than four members. Today, there are over 50 making it one of the largest organi- zations on campus. Kappa Delta Pi promotes excellence in education and recognizes out- standing contributions toeducation. The club provides opportunity for students, faculty, and professionals to enhance their education, learn- ing, and experience. First Row: Karen Herbert, Angela Seufert, Brandi Livesay, Krysti Durcholz, [en Pohl Second Row: Kim SchLipper, Tiffany Putro Third Row: Matt Michael, Kirsten Love, Candice Herron, Amanda Hoffman, Nicole Nickerson, Jacob Gerding
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