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The ministry provides a presence and a place for people; to gather in fun, in prayer, search, in love, in the name of the Gospel; to stand for faith, worship and a Christian life-style; to preach the Word and provide opportunity for study, sacraments, and liturgy; to offer group and individual counseling; to call forth, enable and prepare peer ministers and other leaders to assist in the outreach and direction of this ministry. first Row: Jordan Tippett, Mary Ann Friday, Kristen Pohl Second Row: Jeffrey Noel-Nosbaum, Emily Vance, Kim Schli pper, Jessica Fitzgerald, Jon Fitzgerald Third Row: Bill Ford, Paul Gallagher, Brian Patterson, Mark Wheeler, FatherBrian Nolan, Deacon Jack Coster Circle K is the world's largest collegiate com- munity service organization. Circle K members strive to make a difference in their communi- ties, on campus, and beyond! Circle K members not only do extraordinary service but they also serve as leaders, role models, mentors and friends. Here at McDaniel College, Circle K has made a commitment to change the lives of those in need in the Carroll County region specifically. Our members participate in a wide variety of projects helping people- old and young. animals, organizations and much more! ln addi- tion to our dedication to volunteerism, our club also has a lot of fun camping, whitewater raft- ing, movie nights, and taking road trips. First Row: Renee Libby, Ashley Swift, Ellen Gulya, Bayley Fannin. Laura Bennett Second Row: Susan Lange, Cassandra Allen, DarWues Smith,Lexi Dantzig, Beth Appleton, Joyce ~arcos Third Row: Helene VerEecke, Shawn Samadnejad, David Wigtil, Rob Douglas, Meghani Reid, Liz Stauis, Hortense Barber, Becca Wilhelm j(j',!
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