Page 143 - YB2002
P. 143
Stwe. jayne. you liave wor&a so liard"and mad"e us soproud. 1t's 6"" cfi[ficu(t for ?6ling us to 6e sofaraway, 6ut you've dime sucli a 8reat ja6 6eintJ on your own. You've mad"e cholar wimmer 800d aecisians, and rrufy liave 8rown uy Olley more tlian we could liave ever i11UlfJined: Love - Mom, Dad We liave to aamit tliat tlie tlioutJlit of Dear Emily, JilI,Chris, IiavintJ you c(aser to Iiome after 8raauation A lot has changed Anita & Braden you have hair! What has is exdtine· !!Q!_ changed is our love Gaoa (uck in everytliintJ tliat tlie future for you. We are so proud of you, always. Iiolds in store for you. We (ove you so mucli, Mom, Dad & Trevor 'Mom and Vaa 139
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