Page 34 - YB1998
P. 34
C") .::z:. IN~CADEM'CS We came to learn. We they would guilt us into going down Iglichs and Alles' and should never forget that point. Main Street. Then before we knew it, DillmansandEvergates(both For four years we studied and the sun was rising and so was our panic husband and wife) of this crammed and wrote and levels. It was worth it. The pressure campus worked hard to make discussed the world in which brought out the best in us. us better learners. They had we live. Learning made us The professors too brought out the ability to reach out and get betterpeople. Ouronceblinded the best in us. We were the lucky ones our attention. They eyes were cast open by the compromised nothing for our caring and dedication of those education. wacky professors. Whetberwe They also pushed us. want to or not, we can all look Who amongst us was not back and say, "it was worth it." challenged by one professor The road we traveled or another? They knew we was not an easy one. Who can were here to gain knowledge forget those all nighters? We and skills. That diploma we fought hunger, fatigue, and got is not some empty token. deadlines as we wrote a ten We EARNED it the old page term paper in a matter of fashioned way. We broke hours. Remember those late our backs, taxed our minds, night snack runs to Sheetz or ScniorJlI!ieBnrkofshowsabigsmileuliergradualion. and pushed hard for four Shell? They became more than ThefouryearsofhardworkatWMClrulypreparedher years. It was worth it. a necessity as we ttied to sound forherfulurecnreer. Remember the effort it took eloquent at 3 AM; they became to have been able to talk to them to earn that piece of paper ritual. Wecouldgetcalledfrom whenever we needed answers. Other each time you look at it. We our friends (usually those who schools didn't have it as good as we came to learn, and we did. didn'thaveanyhomework)and did. The Dr. Paneks and Colyers and Students perform al the hn Show as the culminating experience of me ctass. They workedveryhardallsernesterinprep:tr:uion • for the show. 31
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