Page 33 - YB1994
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A Small World Ading to the cul- to Bosnia. They, like tural diversity of the all other students, have campus of Western come to this institution Maryland College are to realize their aspira- the international stu- tions, which vary from dents from around the medicine and engineer- world. Num- ing to physics and math. bering around Whatever was their fifty, these stu- reason for dents repre- coming to the United sent a wide array of States, whether the world's countries, to escape adver- from Bangladesh to sity or to explore new Bulgaria, from Ethiopia opportunities, many found America to be a comfort- The vibrant Paco Ruiz from able niche both academ- Spain is helping to make the library user-friendly. ically and socially. - Keith Remo Nepal native, Netra Ghale Enjoying lunch at the "Inter- kicks a beach ball at national" table are Malaika the Video Beach Party Che-mponda of Tanzania and during Orientation. Ut Tran of Vietnam. Academics 29
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