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Academics at Western Maryland College offer students a broad Liberal Arts education. The core of courses they must take teaches them to have an open mind about all ideas, thoughts and philoso- phies enabling them to draw their own conclu- sions about things they hear, see and read. Students graduate with an ability to think for themselves in addition to a degree in one area of academics. Students are offered the opportunity to special- ize in specific subjects which will prepare them for the work world or for graduate school. In addition to textbook learning, students may take special studies and internships which provide them with hands-on learning. These experiences are most valuable when it comes time to find a job after graduation. In addition to internships, study abroad is an option. There are many schools in Europe, Africa, Central and South America that offer study-abroad programs. College is not without its challenges. Each student must learn how to budget his or her time wisely between academics, sports, and other extracur- ricular activities. It takes dedication, self-discipline and perserverence. If a student can juggle all the things they are committed to in college, then they will be able to meet the uphill challenges in life. Academics 25
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