Page 9 - YB1993
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Presidential Past • • • Dr. James Thomas Ward Dr. Thomas Hamilton Lewis Or. Albert Norman Ward 1867-1886 1886-1920 1935-1947 Bishop Fred G. Holloway Dr. Lowell S. Ensor Dr. Ralph C. John 1935-1947 1947-1972 1972-1984 were new additions to the campus. In the 125-year history of Western Maryland College there While John was president, the has only been seven presidents. Garden Apartments were buill, and The first president, J. T. the college became disassociated Ward, was also the founder of the with the Methodist Church, Con- college. Lewis, the second presi- struction of Decker Center and the dent, and every president since has PELC also began during this lime witnessed the growth of the school period, President Chambers' and its reputation. A. N. Ward's administration started the college's presidency coincided with the latest project--Hoover Library, Depression, and Holloway was The Honors Program was initiated president during WWII and the as well as scholarships to students post-war era. During Ensor's 25 living in Carroll County, The years as president, the enrollment Dr. Robert H. Chambers number of international students increased and EngJar Dining Hall, 19S4-present has increased as well. Rouzer Hall, and Whiteford Hall Opening 5
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