Page 7 - YB1993
P. 7
Every pew in Big Baker Chapel was filled on the morning of October 3 for the first Founders Convocation. Sunshine trickled through the windows, while students and their parents, along with faculty, staff, and alumni gathered to celebrate the first 125 years of Western Maryland College. In honor and memory of our founding mothers and fathers, President Robert Chambers reflected on the past. He took a step back to look at where the college was in the "olden days." Guest speaker Louis Rukeyser, who was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree, gave us hope for the future. The long-time host of PBS's "Wall Street Week" said that "Life may not always be fair, but. . in the long run, difficulties will make you stronger." The story about life on the Hill in this book, which marks the beginning of our next 125 years, is. President Robert Chambers introduces Louis Rukeyser.jn a humorous and delightful manner, at the first Founders Convocation. Aukeyser was the guest speaker for the special occasion. Members of Phi Delta Theta serve as flag bearers and ushers for the morning's ceremonies, They led the procession of faculty into the chapel MichaelJekogla~ Founders Convocation 3
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