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anme r of aste Konde (Cyprus), SinWu (Malasia), ~ariko Watanabe (Japan), and Hirut Wolde (Ethio- pia) were only four of the many Interna- tional This year's Interna- second helping. Others Students tional Dinner featured went back to try out the who prepared foods from just about new dishes that replaced adish the empty trays. Iromlhier every country imagin- country After the main meal able. Sudents from the People filed along one could sample a wide International Club wait 10 the serving line asking variety of desserts. The serve their dishes to the guests. questions like "Can you only bad thing about please tell me what that dessert for some of the is," or "What is this people was that they did made out of?" Despite not have any room left in the fact that many their stomachs. The dishes were unidentifi- smart people had their able to most people it desserts before sampling appeared as if everyone the main course. (Actu- had a plate full of food. ally, there were enough Although some of the desserts to make up a entrees were unlike main course.) anything one has ever Following the dinner experienced, everything there was a dance so was fun to taste and any unwanted pounds sample. People were that were gained during usually pleasantly sur- the meal were easily prised by the evening's burned off while dancing. cuisine. Many people even went back for a -Melissa Love International Dinner 17
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