Page 16 - YB1993
P. 16
.. ecormng The annual Home- proceeded down Main coming celebration held Street through the on Saturday, October 17 entrance to Bair Sta- featured a spectacular dium to await the start of array of events for both the football game. students and alumni to The Green Terrors enjoy. were victorious over the The non-stop action undefeated Dickinson started with a pre-game Red Devils by a score of warm-up at Harrison 17-14. At half-time the house followed by an Homecoming Court was old-fashioned picnic. presented as well as This year's parade awards to a Greek which took place around organization and alumni. noon was in honor of The day ended with the college's 125th parties and get- anniversary. Colorful togethers with old but floats, bands, the ROTC not forgotten friends. color guard, carriages, and antique cars -Melissa Love commu- nity. This float which focuses on the presidential election is sponsored by the Black Student Union and lt won second place. 12 Homecoming
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