Page 92 - YB1992
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• the second oldest fraternity for Phi Mu's colors are pink and money annually for their na- women in the United Slates. II white. Its mascot is a lion tional philanthropies - Pro- is one of two national sorort- called Sir fidele. The sororf- ject HOPE (Health Opportunity ties on the Western Maryland IY'S open motto is "Le Souer for People Everywhere) and College campus. Originally a Fideles" or "faithful sisters." the Children's Miracle Net- local sorority at WMC called This year, the Phi Mu's et work Telethon. Some other Delta Sigma Kappa, the cur- WMC are housed on the sec- events that Phi Mu held this rent Phi Alpha chapter of Phi and floor of McDaniel Hall. The year were the Blood Drive, Mu was given a charter in Feb- sisters are involved in every- Balfour House, and Mr. WMC ruary of 1989. Since then the thing from the Porn-Pan Squad sorority has prided itself on its to the College Choir to The The Phi Mu fall 1991 pledge c:lass works an one 01 their many fun ae- 86 Greeks
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