Page 90 - YB1992
P. 90
Sigma Phi Epsilon is a national The Sig Eps also spend fraternity that was founded in much of their time raising mon- 1901. The Sig Eps came to ey for charity. They have a Western Maryland in 1983 with section of highway, which they the founding of the Maryland adopted several years ago, Delta Chapter. The Sig Eps are that they keep clean and they one of the most active frater- raise money for various or- nities on campus with mem- ganizations. Keeping with tra- bers being involved in a pleth- dition, the Sig Eps ended the ora of sports and organiza- year with their annual Lobster Luau. SigEpbrothersChrisMar- shall, EriC Disharoon, Mati Bayley, Bill Michaelson, and John Pitteressi strike a studly pose at their Spring formal.
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