Page 80 - YB1992
P. 80
I:bl1IlRElElM I:ElMMElTIElN If you are a freshman or difficult, too! These extra reg- sophomore, you may ask ulations for a simple get to- yourself, "What is a clubroom gether mean high expenses - party?" For the past two expenses that a fraternity or years, this primary social sorority can not afford. evenl for Greek organizations In effect, the crackdown on has been non-existent. There clubroom parties has crippled are many reasons for the ab- the Greek system. Students sence of clubroom parties. The who were interested in joining loss of the college's liquor li- Greek organizations attended cense is a major contributor. these parties to meet the Since the school can no long- brothers and sisters. Now, the er serve alcohol without an new students have a harder expensive one day permit, time integrating with the neither can the Greeks. An- Greeks. More segregation has other reason is stricter regu- occurred and membership has lation on the college's part. declined. In the future, Greek In order to have a party in organizations must find new a clubroom, at least two things ways to draw members or else must be done. First, a security they may not be here in future guard must be hired to check years. 10's. This security guard will You mayor may not rec- cost at least fifty dollars. Sec- ognize some of the people on ond, there must be a roped off this page. These are some area to divide students who photos fro clubroom events of are 21 from those who aren't. the past. Imagine having to talk to your friends over a plastic rope. Slow dancing would be a little Meetings and pictures are all thai clubrooms are good for Ihesedays. 74 Greeks
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